Here are the questions I am asked most often, together with some answers. If you have a question that’s not listed, or want an answer which goes in to more detail, please contact me today and I would be happy to have a chat.
I will give you the tools, routines and systems to understand the benefits of being organised, how to be organised and – most importantly – how to stay organised.
I don’t think my job is simply to sort out your stuff or declutter your home. It’s more about teaching you, making a difference to your lifestyle and changing your approach to organisation.
How long will this take? I want everything to look good now!
Time taken will depend on your availability, the amount of clutter in the area concerned and your goals.
Every project is assessed in detail – hence, the need for a paid Initial Consultation to inform the Action Plan.
Here is a very general guide:
Small Project (4 -8 hours)
• Dining room table
• Kitchen junk drawer
• Bulletin/Family notice board
• Desktop
• Handbag
• Linen closet
Medium Project (8- 12 hours)
• Bedroom wardrobe (not master bedroom)
• Kitchen cupboards
• Bathroom cupboards
• Child’s bedroom
• Setting up a small paper filing system
• Kitchen pantry
Large Project (12 -20 hours)
• Loft
• Garage
• Large room
• Multiple rooms in a home
• Home office
I want you to know where your things are when you need them. I want you to be calm and happy when you’re in your home. I want you to enjoy your life.
Once you are in the frame of mind of knowing what you want, it will be clear that some items no longer serve a purpose. If you want me to be gentle during the removal phase, I will be. If you want me to be firm and challenge your decisions, I will be. It’s your home. It’s your life. Nothing goes if you want it to stay.
I understand that you trust me with your home, possessions and feelings, and I take that responsibility very seriously.
I have the tools and experience to get you organised in less time, with less effort and with longer lasting solutions. By paying for my time, you get time and peace.
However, this is the number one mistake that people make when trying to get organised. They buy containers and then start sorting, despite not knowing the volume or type of items that need to be stored. What a waste of time and money.
Please do not buy containers before I arrive. Together we will assess, remove, categorise and then contain. I can then help you either re-use storage items you already have, or buy something new that suits your budget and taste.
1. Helping people in the UK to find a reputable Professional Organiser
2. Promoting the industry
3. Educating about the benefits of hiring a Professional Organiser
4. To have a place where Professional Organisers can develop and grow their business.
By being a member of APDO, I show my commitment to adhere to the code of ethics and the professionalism of my industry.
Founded in 1986, it provides a platform for organisers to network and share ideas. It also offers training and up to date industry trends to its members and other organisers.
As the USA is the leading market for my industry, I choose to belong to NAPO so I can be at the cutting edge of knowledge and trends.
Additionally, NAPO is the only Professional Organising Association that has a Certification Programme (CPO TM) run and overseen by the Board of Certification of Professional Organizers (BCPO TM).
Need to feel less overwhelmed, more in control and calm?
Need to feel less overwhelmed, more in control and calm?
Struggling to keep up with life demands? Don’t have time for yourself yet you are the 1st one to get up at home and the last one to go to bed? I would love to know what are your challenges so I can explain how I work and help you get unstuck?
I help busy professionals just like you lead a healthy, fulfilling, happy life by letting go of what no longer serves them.